How to Apply

Thank you for your interest in a residency position with the department of ophthalmology at the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville.

Note: Applications are due in the summer/fall two years prior to the July 1 program starting date.

Our department participates in the San Francisco Ophthalmology Matching Program (SF Match). Because of our participation in the SF Match, you must register with that program whether or not you also decide to be part of their Centralized Application Service (CAS). If you choose to use the CAS, carefully follow their instructions. When you register with the OMP, you should receive a copy of the standard application form for ophthalmology.

The deadline for receiving your application is Oct. 15 each year. Applications not received by that date (except the dean’s letter) cannot be considered. We grant interviews to a limited number of applicants. The interviews will be held on selected dates in October, November and December. The personal interview is an important part of the application process and is a requirement for acceptance into our program.

The department selects residents largely on the basis of medical school performance, the content of three letters of recommendation and various relevant professional and personal attributes. A demonstrated previous interest in the field of ophthalmology (i.e. research, etc.) is helpful, but not necessary.

In addition, we also require a statement from all applicants in response to the following question:

“Why are you specifically interested in pursuing ophthalmology at the UF College of Medicine – Jacksonville?”

Please email this statement, including your CAS number, to

We appreciate your interest in our program.

Contact Us

For information on the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville Ophthalmology Residency Program, please contact:

Starleatha Pollard

GME Program Administrator

 (904) 244-9394

Darrell WuDunn, M.D., Ph.D.

Program Director, Ophthalmology Residency

 (904) 244-9394
 darrell.wudunn@jax.ufl.eduView Profile 


Ophthalmology Residency Program
UF College of Medicine – Jacksonville
580 West 8th Street
3rd Floor, Tower II
Jacksonville, FL 32209