70 faculty members selected as exemplary teachers 

Exemplary residents were recognized last month

University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville has named the faculty members selected for recognition this year as exemplary teachers. The list, which appears below, is arranged by department.

The selections were based on teaching evaluations. The list includes 70 faculty members representing 11 departments. They will be recognized April 10 during the college’s Medical Education Week.

“Faculty members chosen as exemplary teachers represent the best from across our departments,” said Linda Edwards, MD, senior associate dean for educational affairs at UF College of Medicine – Jacksonville. “They demonstrate outstanding skill and dedication to the education of our residents and students. We are extremely grateful for their efforts and are proud of their accomplishment.”


Peggy James, MD
Robert Redfern, MD
Saurin Shah, MD
Thiruppathi Sureshkumar, MBBS
Kristen Vanderhoef, MD

Community Health and Family Medicine
Charles Haddad, MD

Emergency Medicine
David Caro, MD
Faheem Guirgis, MD
Matthew Hale, MD
Lisa Jacobson, MD
Thomas Morrissey, MD, PhD
Joseph Shiber, MD
Stephen Topp, MD
Deborah Williams, MD, MS
Todd Wylie, MD

Dominick Angiolillo, MD, PhD
Abubakr Bajwa, MD
Doug Chapman, MD
Joe Chehade, MD
James Cury, MD
Linda Edwards, MD
Ashwani Gupta, MBBS, MPH
Nilmarie Guzman, MD
Lisa Jones, MD
Jeffrey House, DO
Cristian Landa, MD
Alan Miller, MD
Fauzia Rana, MD
Pramod Reddy, MD
Michael Sands, MD, MPH
Elisa Sottile, MD
Kent Wehmeier, MD
Robert Zaiden Jr., MD

Nader Antonios, MB ChB, MPH
Ramon Bautista, MD, MBA
Suparna Krishnaiengar, MBBS
Odinachi Oguh, MD
Michael Pulley, MD
Kalina Sanders, MD
Scott Silliman, MD
Edward Urban, MD

Obstetrics and Gynecology
Judy Bowers, MD
Kelly Best, MD
Wyatt McNeill, MD
Brent Seibel, MD

Sandeep Grover, MD

Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation
Marc Kaye, MD

Jennifer Auerbach, DO, MPH
Solange Benjamin-Thorpe, MD
Kuo Chen, MD
David Childers, MD
Robert English, MD
Jose Ettedgui, MD
Michael Gayle, MD
Frank Genuardi, MD, MPH
Jeffrey Goldhagen, MD, MPH
Akshata Hopkins, MD
Jose Irazuzta, MD
Kelly Komatz, MD, MPH
Jason Scimeme, MD
Shelly Thompson, MD
Asad Tolaymat, MD
Jose Zayas, DO

Diana Edgar, MD

Bestoun Ahmed, MB ChB
Jon Allmon, MD
Indermeet Bhullar, MD
James Dennis, MD
Omeni Osian, MD
Jin Ra, MD

Exemplary residents

Following are this year’s exemplary residents at UF College of Medicine – Jacksonville. They were recognized last month during an awards ceremony at UF in Gainesville.  

Anesthesiology – Mary Zoccoli, MD
Diagnostic Radiology – Michael Carroll, MD
Emergency Medicine – Brandi Gilchrist, MD
Internal Medicine – Garry McCulloch, MD
Neurology – William Bossert, MD
Obstetrics and Gynecology – Amy Hammers, MD
Ophthalmology – Wassia Khaja, MD
Orthopaedic Surgery – Dylan Nugent, MD
Pediatrics – Emmanuel Peña, DO
Surgery – Meredith Knofsky, DO